Monday, May 15, 2017

"The Expedition" - Season 1, Episode 9

Written by Terry Nation | Durected by Christopher Barry | Produced by Verity Lambert | Original air date 01/18/64

I don't think I've praised the sound design as much as I should have for this set of episodes. The Dalek "hum" - I don't know what else to call it - that occurs in the background of every Dalek scene is an inspired choice, as is the super sci-fi sounding doors, and the incidental music is nice and creepy. Anyway, the Daleks can see the Thal camp via scanner all of a sudden, when before they couldn't - perhaps they've moved the camp closer to the city? They watch - but presumably can't hear - as Ian laments not being able to overcome his guilty conscience to use the Thals to get the fluid link back. Barbara, however, insists that he convince them to help the TARDIS crew.

The Doctor feels bad that his little ploy has resulted in the situation they find themselves in (it must be a different fuel link than the one Nardole pulled out in "Oxygen," because if not, then either that episode or this one makes no sense), and appears to apologize to Ian, but he calls him "Chesserman" - a line reading that I thought was a fluff, but appears to have been scripted because Ian laughs and says he'll only be mad if the Doctor keeps calling him the wrong name - "it's Chesterton!" They continue discussing their problem, and the Doctor says "This is no time for morals, they must fight for us." Barbara agrees, and the Doctor tells her he underestimated her, and he clearly is growing fond of Ms. Wright (not in a romantic way, I don't think... I think he sees her as a friend. At least I hope so). "We need action, not arguments!" the Doctor continues. No, this is not quite the hero Doctor we all know, given those last two lines I quoted. The Doctor is not action-averse, but arguing very quickly and cleverly becomes how he fights off the terrors of the universe, rather than fighting (and that only when necessary), so it's weird, still, to see him try to just run constantly.

Ian begins trying to convince the Thals to fight. When they keep refusing, he gets a little pissed - he first threatens to take the Skaro history... um, barrel?... to try to trade it with the Daleks for the fluid link. Alydon moves to stop him, but relents, so Ian realizes he must do something more drastic. He grabs Dyoni and says he'll trade her for the fluid link, and Alydon punches him. Ian: "so there is something you'll fight for."

We cut to the Daleks again, and one of them is tripping balls on the Thal anti-radiation drugs. He spins around in circles and says he's lost control, and gurgles a bit. It's kind of funny, to be honest. The other Daleks realize they've grown conditioned to the radiation and need it to live, as the reports come in that the Daleks they tested the drugs on have all died. Later, when they decide they'll use a neutron bomb to keep their planet safely irradiated for themselves, one says "We do not have to adapt to the environment. We will change the environment to suit us." That's basically it for the Daleks for this episode. Oh, wait - I must mention the cardboard Dalek cutouts strewn about the set in this episode. They're not bad when they face the camera directly, but when some are turned to the side, they are obvious, OBVIOUS fakes. I find them charming, though, I have to say. Cardboard cutouts in a sci-fi show! That's something we'll never see again.

Back at the Thal camp, a plan is being devised by the Doctor, Ian, and Alydon. They decide to cross the dangerous, mutant-filled lake to catch the Daleks by surprise. Some time passes in between scenes, and we see the group set up camp. Ian washes his face in the swamp - what the hell he's thinking, I have no idea. Did he not hear how some Thals got killed by mutants who live in the swamp? Surely risking your life to wash your face is not a risk you should be taking, Ian. Some creature rises up out of the swamp and seems to be ready to attack him, but he gets away. The next morning, after deciding to go through the pipeline in the mountains they just saw, one of the Thals goes to fill up their water bottles and is dragged into a pretty large whirlpool by something living in the swamp, and we cut to credits.

"Doctor Who" puns so far: 2 | Tomorrow: "The Ordeal"

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