Thursday, July 6, 2017

"The End of Tomorrow" - Season 2, Episode 49

Written by Terry Nation | Directed by Richard Martin | Produced by Verity Lambert | Original air date 12/12/64

I'm not sure I follow why Susan and David leave the Doctor, then go to meet up with him later. Perhaps the Doctor got up and walked somewhere? In this episode, it just seems like Susan and David go in a giant circle for no reason (it's been a while since I've seen this serial - I don't remember this particular plot point).

Anyway, that acid dissolving the bomb lid looked nice, didn't it? Sure seemed like a dumb idea on David's part, though. Glad it worked out... I don't actually know how they pulled that one off. Sure beats the stock footage of people mining for about a minute, though it's not that intrusive (I think it was included because this episode clocks in at just over 23 minutes - without the mining, it'd be like 22 including the credits. That won't do, will it?).

Barbara driving a fire truck through four Daleks, and enjoying it, is a high point for her character. God, I love Barbara so much. She is not your average history teacher, that's for sure. The scene is filmed pretty well, too - I'm not sure why Hadoke gives Martin so much flak in Running Through Corridors for this serial (though I have yet to read this episode's entry). I think Martin has done a bang-up job, here. Then again, I've never worked in any sort of drama production, so what do I know.

Alligators in sewers are an odd choice. I suppose it's playing off the old playground tale that they live in there. A shame that the only "alligator" in this episode is clearly a tiny lizard, played to look like an alligator (and the lizard they picked opens its mouth at one point on screen, showing that it has no teeth). You can't blame Martin for that - maybe they'd have been better off not using a shot where it opens it's mouth, but then I wonder if Martin even shot that scene, or if it was stock footage or something.

They're subtly setting up Susan's departure, still - David suggests she stay and help rebuild Earth once the Daleks are overthrown, and she seems to indicate she wants to. It's a little to subtle for it's own good, but it can't be said her leaving comes out of nowhere (though how the Doctor goes about it is a bit out of nowhere, if I recall correctly).

Meanwhile at the mine, Ian and friend (can't remember his name) are menaced by a Slyther, which is apparently the "black Dalek's" pet. It's just a guy in a rubber tree suit, and a poor one at that. It sounds pretty creepy, though, I'll give them that. Odd that a Dalek has a pet - we know them later on to be completely unsympathetic to any creature that isn't a Dalek. Perhaps it's some proto-Cult of Skaro Dalek or something (doubtful, but funny to think about).

I'm looking forward to our group meeting up again. A full episode of traveling is about as much as I can take - not that this episode was terrible or anything, but just that if the next episode is similar, I'll probably end up panning it (I really wish I remembered this serial better. Must not have been paying attention very well my first time through).

"Doctor Who" puns so far: 2 | Tomorrow: "The Waking Ally"

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